An History of four generations
In 1950 Angele and Matteo Contesini founded in Rome one of the first companies of “sculptures for window dressing”. Matteo, a sculptor, learned the art of the mannequin from his uncles Peter and Giovanni Rosa, with whom he collaborated for several years as an artistic director of the family business. In Switzerland, where he went to train Mr. Schleppi, Matteo consolidated his career by winning awards dedicated to the showcase. With the birth of his eldest son he decided to return to Italy and open his own company. He collaborated with the cinema, establishing a friendship with Rambaldi. At his side Angele, a leading woman with a tenacious character. Professional seamstress devoted her attention to the production of dressforms. She delivered her first products by bicycle, convincing big fashion houses like Valentino with her eccentricity. Leading the company afterwards is Gianluigi Contesini, a designer with a strong dream life who had his greatest working intuitions in a dream. Over the years he expanded the company’s services while keeping the originality and Made in Italy always alive. He worked alongside major fashion institutions such as Fendi, Versace, Cucinelli, Koefia Academy, Ied, Museo Zeffirelli etc. The founder of Mensura collaborates with his daughter Priscilla Contesini, the third generation and the artistic director of the new brand. The young artist grew up in the company’s workshops and despite her attempts to develop a career far from family history, her biography led her with a clear insistence to take care of it, revealing the fortune and love hidden within it.
She carries out a strategy based on the synergy of her own values and on care.

“Fino a che uno non si compromette, c’è esitazione, possibilità di tornare indietro e sempre inefficacia.
Rispetto ad ogni atto di iniziativa (e creazione) c’è solo una verità elementare, l’ignoranza uccide innumerevoli idee e splendidi piani. Nel momento in cui uno si compromette definitivamente, anche la provvidenza si muove. Ogni sorta di cose accade per aiutare, cose che altrimenti non sarebbero mai accadute. Una corrente di eventi ha inizio dalla decisione, facendo sorgere a nostro favore ogni tipo di incidenti imprevedibili, incontri e assistenza materiale, che nessuno avrebbe sognato potessero venire in questo modo.
Tutto quello che puoi fare, o sognare di poter fare, incomincialo. Il coraggio ha in sé genio, potere e magia.
Incomincia adesso.”
Iniziativa, W. J. Goethe